{"xsrfToken":"d80446ee1618f59c6157d8eaa5a770ba35e44e36_lout","branding":{"id":"3","key":"rec","name":"Careers","portalBaseUrl":"/servicedesk/customer/portal/3"},"helpCenterBranding":{"logoId":"","isLogoAvailable":false,"helpCenterTitle":"Humans since 1982 Service Desk","sharedPortalName":"Home","userInitialAnnouncementHeader":"Welcome","userInitialAnnouncementMessageWiki":"<p>Welcome to our service desk. <br> Here we manage some of our external interactions and provide some basic documentation to our clients.</p>\n<p>To return to our home pages, please use these links:</p>\n<p><a href=\"https://www.humanssince1982.com/\" class=\"external-link\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">Humans since 1982</a><br> <a href=\"https://clockclock.com/\" class=\"external-link\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">Clock Clock webshop</a></p>","translations":{"en-US":{"helpCenterTitle":"Humans since 1982 Service Desk","sharedPortalName":"Home","announcementHeader":"Welcome","announcementMessage":"Welcome to our service desk. \nHere we manage some of our external interactions and provide some basic documentation to our clients. \n\nTo return to our home pages, please use these links:\n\n [Humans since 1982|https://www.humanssince1982.com/]\n [Clock Clock webshop|https://clockclock.com/]\n","localeDisplayName":"English (United States)"}},"canEditAnnouncement":false,"siteDefaultLanguageTag":"en-US","userLanguageTag":"en-US","portalThemeColor":"#303030","helpCenterTitleColor":"#ffffff","bannerMediaApiUrl":"https://api.media.atlassian.com/file/1487e445-4236-4292-8e58-65e0c5bd25e9/image?token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiIwYzRhZTkwZi1mYTVlLTQyYTgtYmRkYy05MTFhOTA0MThjZGUiLCJhY2Nlc3MiOnsidXJuOmZpbGVzdG9yZTpmaWxlOjE0ODdlNDQ1LTQyMzYtNDI5Mi04ZTU4LTY1ZTBjNWJkMjVlOSI6WyJyZWFkIl19LCJleHAiOjE3NDExMzc3OTMsIm5iZiI6MTc0MTEzNzE5M30.-rqs1faecpt6vsO9rrz5JPZpEhbYIf7FcanlMWrAQUQ&client=0c4ae90f-fa5e-42a8-bddc-911a90418cde&height=300&mode=fit","bannerMediaApiFileId":"1487e445-4236-4292-8e58-65e0c5bd25e9","useDefaultBanner":false,"isBannerAvailable":true,"hasTopBarBeenSplit":false},"portal":{"id":"3","key":"rec","projectId":10050,"serviceDeskId":3,"name":"Careers","description":"<p>Apply to join our team</p>","portalBaseUrl":"/servicedesk/customer/portal/3","onlyPortal":false,"reqTypes":[{"id":"33","name":"Apply for Technical Support Engineer","descriptionHtml":"<h1><a name=\"Technicalsupportengineer\" target=\"_blank\"></a>Technical support engineer</h1>\n<h2><a name=\"BasedinStockholmSweden\" target=\"_blank\"></a>Based in Stockholm Sweden</h2>\n<ul>\n <li>Full-time position</li>\n <li>Date to start: as soon as you are ready </li>\n <li>Standard Swedish benefits including pension and insurance.</li>\n <li>30 days of annual leave</li>\n <li>Annual training/health compensation to cover gym and recreational activities.</li>\n</ul>\n<h1><a name=\"AboutHumanssince1982\" target=\"_blank\"></a>About Humans since 1982</h1>\n<p>A warm welcome to Humans since 1982. We are a contemporary art and design studio working across art, design, and technology. Our best-known series ClockClock and A million Times are iconic statement pieces that are featured in the homes of some of the world's most prestigious collectors, museums, luxury brands, and leading companies. </p>\n<p>Founded in 2009 and based in Stockholm, Human since 1982’s international team of highly motivated and energetic individuals transform ideas and experimentation into tangible, high-quality products. We work directly with our clients, as well as a network of galleries, retailers, art consultants, and interior designers.</p>\n<p>Humans since 1982 is more than just a place to work. Curiosity and entrepreneurship are integral to our culture. We embrace creativity and different ideas to foster a positive, open, and equal workplace.</p>\n<p>For more information about our studio please see our websites:<br> <a href=\"http://www.humanssince1982.com\" class=\"external-link\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.humanssince1982.com</a> / Instagram: humanssince1982</p>\n<h1><a name=\"Aboutthisposition\" target=\"_blank\"></a>About this position</h1>\n<p>Tech support at Humans since 1982 is an adventure, to say the least. <br> All of our artworks are entirely made in-house in Sweden. You will sit in our studio and manufacturing line and be a part of what goes out to the world. <br> We have, today seen the production of over 1000 artworks. Mostly in the Clock Clock and A million Times ranges. By our calculations, right now, there are about 30,000 pairs of motors turning in our artworks, distributed to cities and towns in almost every country. <br> Keeping all of them running is a mind-boggling task. We are looking for someone who really knows how to think to solve problems, and who loves to work with people to find solutions. <br> Our role in technical support connects directly with our customers and remote support companies and occasionally travels internationally to on-site cases. This position acts as the second line of technical support, working closely with external support handlers, interviewing and evaluating them to ensure they fit with our studio’s standards. You will investigate and solve challenging support cases daily. Much of this role involves the mindset that you are supporting some very large investments in art.</p>\n<p>The right candidate will have:</p>\n<ul>\n <li>A very good understanding of electronics: An electrical engineering degree is ideal</li>\n <li>Programming understanding (Python, Linux, and Java) as an example; you could be required to program animations on the artworks.</li>\n <li>Broad knowledge and passion for technology</li>\n <li>Perfect English</li>\n <li>An interest in arts and commerce. Patient and careful with the artworks.</li>\n <li>Basic networking skills</li>\n <li>Readily available to travel and an interest in different cultures</li>\n <li>IT support experience and ability to explain complex systems to someone with less technical knowledge</li>\n <li>Comfort working from the office most of the time, given the hands-on nature of testing, troubleshooting, and preparation of spare parts</li>\n</ul>\n<p>On any given day, you may be:</p>\n<ul>\n <li>Managing around three challenging support cases in parallel</li>\n <li>Coordinating with different departments to manage customer needs</li>\n <li>Studying and building on our knowledge base to understand the issue</li>\n <li>Troubleshooting support cases and verifying possible solutions in the studio to prove your theories</li>\n <li>Developing fixes and improvements to our software</li>\n <li>Monitor the weekly support cases and analyze trends in issue types</li>\n <li>Assisting developers with troubleshooting hardware issues, such as broken motors, and understanding the root cause</li>\n <li>Configuring, installing, and testing software on A million Times artworks</li>\n <li>Documenting your work processes, especially if they differ from established routines</li>\n <li>Adopting a flexible working schedule to help a support partner in another time zone</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Support Strategy & Optimization:</p>\n<p>Analyze historical support cases to identify trends, recurring issues, and areas for improvement. Leverage these insights to recommend process enhancements, automation opportunities, and knowledge base improvements to optimize future support efficiency and customer experience. Regularly report key pain points to the development team and recommend product improvements to minimize future issues. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to implement data-driven solutions that improve resolution times and service quality. As experience is gained, you will take responsibility for developing and implementing strategies to enhance support efficiency and reduce costs</p>\n<p>On average, this role will spend 1–2 weeks per year in a foreign country, working on an installation or on support. We try our best to use local resources where possible. However, you should be excited by the idea of travelling to visit the hotels, offices, and homes of our most prestigious customers.</p>\n<p>We are looking for someone with passion and responsibility. The decisions you make will impact the studio many years into the future. As such, we are looking for a long-term commitment to this role and the high quality of our work.</p>\n<p>We offer you an opportunity to be a big part of our small family. You will certainly not be a small cog in a big machine. With us, you will see every part of what makes the studio exist, from design to manufacturing to marketing, shows, and events. It is an exciting place to work, and we look forward to meeting you.</p>\n<h1><a name=\"AlittlemoreonHumans\" target=\"_blank\"></a>A little more on Humans</h1>\n<p>We are a team of about 13 people based near Globen, Stockholm. Our group is dynamic, active, and diverse, with a wide range of interests. We value personality and enjoy building a strong, inclusive company culture.<br> We offer flexible working hours and reasonable remote work options. Every few weeks, we organize something fun—whether it’s art gallery visits, after-works, lunches, or BBQs. Like many Swedish companies, we provide an annual fitness allowance to support your well-being.<br> We also enjoy friendly competitions, like our in-house cooking challenge where the previous winner picks the theme. Other activities have included mini-golf, boule, go-karting, bowling, pottery classes, ski trips, and studio events. We’re always open to new ideas that bring the team together!</p>\n<h1><a name=\"Howtoapply\" target=\"_blank\"></a>How to apply</h1>\n<p>You can only apply for this position by filling out the form below. <br> Please attach a pdf of your CV that includes the name of our company in upside-down red text at the top of the first page.</p>\n<p>Thank you, and good luck with your application.<br> Humans since 1982 team</p>","callToAction":"Apply for Technical Support Engineer","introHtml":"<p>Solve technical issues for our customers</p>","icon":10469,"iconUrl":"https://humanssince1982.atlassian.net/rest/servicedeskapi/requesttype/icon/type/SD_REQTYPE/id/10469","groups":[4],"key":""},{"id":"64","name":"Design intern","descriptionHtml":"<h1><a name=\"3D%2FGraphicDesignInternship%28paid%29\" target=\"_blank\"></a>3D/Graphic Design Internship (paid)</h1>\n<h2><a name=\"BasedinStockholm%2CSweden\" target=\"_blank\"></a>Based in Stockholm, Sweden</h2>\n<p>Full-time, paid internship<br> Duration: six months minimum<br> Date to start: as soon as you are ready</p>\n<p>At the heart of our Stockholm studio you will join our Creatives as 3D/Graphic Design intern to assist them in their daily missions by visualising their ideas, creating marketing material and taking on basic organisational tasks.</p>\n<h2><a name=\"AboutHumanssince1982\" target=\"_blank\"></a>About Humans since 1982</h2>\n<p>A warm welcome to Humans since 1982. We are a contemporary art and design studio working across art, design, and technology. Our best-known series ClockClock and A million Times are iconic statement pieces that are featured in the homes of some of the world's most prestigious collectors, museums, luxury brands, and leading companies.</p>\n<p>Founded in 2009 and based in Stockholm, our international team of highly motivated and energetic individuals transform ideas and experimentation into tangible, high-quality products. We work directly with our clients, as well as a network of galleries, retailers, art consultants, and interior designers.<br> Humans since 1982 is more than just a place to work. Curiosity and entrepreneurship are integral to our culture. We embrace creativity and different ideas to foster a positive, open, and equal workplace.</p>\n<p>For more information about our studio please see our websites:<br> www.humanssince1982.com / www.clockclock.com / Instagram: humanssince1982</p>\n<h1><a name=\"AboutthisInternship\" target=\"_blank\"></a>About this Internship</h1>\n<p>This paid internship runs for six months minimum, with the potential to gain responsibilities that go beyond typical internship duties. We are looking for a passionate, hands-on designer proven to have both advanced 3D skills in Blender and solid Graphic Design skills.</p>\n<h2><a name=\"Yourmainresponsibilitieswillbe%3A\" target=\"_blank\"></a>Your main responsibilities will be:</h2>\n<p>-Visualising and rendering our ideas for project pitches in 3D and 2D (Blender, Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere)<br> -Updating documents visually (presentations, catalogues, technical sheets, material sheets, specifications, launch contracts, prices, etc.)<br> -Assisting in photo/video production (e.g. ordering materials/equipments for shoots, liaison between studio and photographer)<br> -Compose/layout Newsletters in Mailchimp<br> -Updating our websites visually (no coding skills required)<br> -Updating the choreographies of our kinetic artworks (in a custom software that you will learn)<br> -Creation of moodboards<br> -Assisting in brand protection <br> -Facilitate the conduct of meetings</p>\n<h2><a name=\"Profile\" target=\"_blank\"></a>Profile</h2>\n<p>You are self-motivated, flexible and solution oriented; comfortable working in an ever-changing environment.</p>\n<h2><a name=\"Youbring%3A\" target=\"_blank\"></a>You bring:</h2>\n<p>-A strong eye for aesthetics and a passion for the style of Humans since 1982 <br> -A passion for detail and accuracy<br> -A passion and talent to learn new software tools along the way<br> -A positive spirit and will to take on both complex and basic tasks with equal diligence<br> -The ability to collaborate within a team and with external partners</p>\n<h2><a name=\"KnowledgeandExperienceneeded\" target=\"_blank\"></a>Knowledge and Experience needed</h2>\n<p>Advanced skills in Blender<br> Solid experience in Photshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere<br> Fluent in English</p>\n<h2><a name=\"Meriting\" target=\"_blank\"></a>Meriting</h2>\n<p>Experience in After Effects<br> Experience in any VR software</p>\n<h2><a name=\"Workhours%3AThisisafulltimeinternship%2C38h%2Fweek%2Cminimum6months\" target=\"_blank\"></a>Work hours: This is a full-time internship, 38h/week, minimum 6 months</h2>\n<p>Compensation: 15 000 SEK/month</p>\n<h1><a name=\"AlittlemoreonHumanssince1982\" target=\"_blank\"></a>A little more on Humans since 1982</h1>\n<p>We are about 12 people sitting next to Globen, Stockholm. We are a fairly young, active, and diverse group of people with a wide variety of interests.<br> We like to have people with personality in the team and to be a part of our company culture.<br> We keep very flexible working hours and are reasonably flexible with remote working.<br> We try to sponsor something fun every few weeks: Art gallery openings, after-works, breakfasts, BBQs, etc.<br> Every couple of months we have an in-house cooking competition with the theme chosen by the previous winner. We also have seasonal activities like mini-golf, boule, go-carting, bowling, pottery classes, ski trips, studio events, and so on.</p>\n<h2><a name=\"Howtoapply\" target=\"_blank\"></a>How to apply</h2>\n<p>You can only apply for this position by filling out the form below. Please attach one PDF with your CV and Portfolio that includes the name of our company in upside-down red text at the top of the first page.</p>\n<p>Thank you, and good luck with your application.<br> Humans since 1982 team</p>","callToAction":"Design intern","introHtml":"<p>Apply here</p>","icon":10481,"iconUrl":"https://humanssince1982.atlassian.net/rest/servicedeskapi/requesttype/icon/type/SD_REQTYPE/id/10481","groups":[4],"key":""},{"id":"28","name":"General application / question","descriptionHtml":"<p>Send us your very impressive CV and letter...</p>","callToAction":"General application / question","introHtml":"<p>Send us your CV for an unadvertised position or ask us a question.</p>","icon":10492,"iconUrl":"https://humanssince1982.atlassian.net/rest/servicedeskapi/requesttype/icon/type/SD_REQTYPE/id/10492","groups":[4],"key":""},{"id":"93","name":"Partnership Manager","descriptionHtml":"<p>This isn't just a job. It's an opportunity to bring fascination to people. This is an opportunity to be a part of shaping how luxury design takes it's place in people's lives.</p>\n<p>If you are a master storyteller who ignites conversations and fuels desire, we invite you to join us and share the story of our timepieces.</p>\n<h3><a name=\"Roledescription\" target=\"_blank\"></a>Role description</h3>\n<p>The role will focus on establishing and maintaining partnerships with high-end interior designers, art consultants, architects, exclusive hotels, companies, and other key players that will lead to sales opportunities for our A million Times series. This includes elevating the relationship management of the studios existing US based network, and making proactive connections with new potential partners. A million Times are our exclusive wall-hung art pieces that resonate equally with HNWI clients and corporate clients that have an interest in luxury, art, design, technology and timepieces alike.</p>\n<p>Excellent story-telling, presentation and interpersonal skills are central to success.</p>\n<p>You will be responsible for forging long-term partnerships with key players predominantly within, but not limited to, the high-end interior design world to position our studio and timepieces to select partners within the scope of current and upcoming projects for private and corporate clients.</p>\n<h3><a name=\"Responsibilities\" target=\"_blank\"></a>Responsibilities</h3>\n<p>Develop and manage strategic partnerships with high-end interior designers, art consultants, architects and decision-makers in the high-end luxury design industry (hospitality, corporate, etc.), including those the studio has already established.</p>\n<p>Manage and maximize the sales potential of the studio’s existing network and relationships, as well as identifying new business opportunities and establishing relationships with key decision-makers.</p>\n<p>Craft compelling proposals tailored to the specific needs of each partner and/or client type.</p>\n<p>Analyze sales data to identify trends and develop strategies for continued growth within relevant sectors, by formulating and acting on insights.</p>\n<p>Travel regionally, nationally, and potentially internationally to meet with clients (travel expenses covered).</p>\n<h3><a name=\"Qualifications\" target=\"_blank\"></a>Qualifications</h3>\n<p>Minimum 8 years of experience in luxury interior design, high-end furniture, art, or design.</p>\n<p>Proven success in building and managing long-term, mutually beneficial partnerships.</p>\n<p>Excellent communication and presentation skills, with the ability to effectively tell our brand story to high-level decision-makers.</p>\n<p>Working knowledge of high-end interior design and fine art trends.</p>\n<p>Ability to analyze data and translate insights into actionable strategies.</p>\n<p>Fluency in English.</p>\n<h3><a name=\"Compensation\" target=\"_blank\"></a>Compensation</h3>\n<p>Salary level: expected total compensation of 125-175K per annum</p>","callToAction":"Partnership Manager","introHtml":"<p>Partnership Manager</p>","icon":10499,"iconUrl":"https://humanssince1982.atlassian.net/rest/servicedeskapi/requesttype/icon/type/SD_REQTYPE/id/10499","groups":[4],"key":""},{"id":"92","name":"Retail Account Partner","descriptionHtml":"<p>This is more than just a role. It's an opportunity to shape the future of luxury design in people's homes.</p>\n<p>If you possess the brilliance to captivate discerning clientele and the relentless drive to elevate our wall-hung timepieces within premier retail environments, we invite you to join our mission.</p>\n<h3><a name=\"Roledescription\" target=\"_blank\"></a>Role description</h3>\n<p>The role is primarily focused on increasing retail sales of our limited-edition timepieces ClockClock 24 - a coveted series that resonates equally with clients interested in luxury, art, design and timepieces alike. This includes establishing relationships with high-end retailers in the USA, with New York as the starting point, and managing the studios existing US retail network.</p>\n<p>Using the studio’s storytelling and educational material, you will work in close partnership with new and existing retail partners to create an outstanding customer journey.</p>\n<p>The role includes monitoring retail partners performance through sales data and following up on key findings to drive sales growth.</p>\n<h3><a name=\"Responsibilities\" target=\"_blank\"></a>Responsibilities</h3>\n<p>Manage and develop relationships with existing high-end retail partners.</p>\n<p>Identify and cultivate new business opportunities with high-end retailers specializing in, but not limited to, timepieces and luxury products.</p>\n<p>Collaborate with retailers to create win-win partnerships that drive sales growth for both parties.</p>\n<p>Analyze sales data and market trends to develop and execute sales plans.</p>\n<p>Deliver exceptional partner management, providing in-depth knowledge of our brand story, product, and design language with retailer sales training.</p>\n<p>Travel regionally, nationally, and potentially internationally to meet with clients (travel expenses covered).</p>\n<h3><a name=\"Qualifications\" target=\"_blank\"></a>Qualifications</h3>\n<p>Minimum 4 years of B2B sales experience within the luxury retail sector.</p>\n<p>A proven track-record of successfully working with products of a similar MSRP to ClockClock 24.</p>\n<p>Deep understanding of the high-net-worth individual and luxury goods market.</p>\n<p>Proven ability to build and maintain strong, long-term relationships with key decision-makers.</p>\n<p>Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.</p>\n<p>Strong analytical skills with the ability to leverage data to drive sales growth.</p>\n<p>Passion for design and a strong understanding of brand storytelling.</p>\n<p>Fluency in English.</p>\n<h3><a name=\"Compensation\" target=\"_blank\"></a>Compensation</h3>\n<p>Salary level: expected total compensation of 100-150K per annum</p>","callToAction":"Retail Account Partner","introHtml":"<p>Retail Account Partner</p>","icon":10485,"iconUrl":"https://humanssince1982.atlassian.net/rest/servicedeskapi/requesttype/icon/type/SD_REQTYPE/id/10485","groups":[4],"key":""},{"id":"62","name":"Apply for Embedded Developer","descriptionHtml":"<h1><a name=\"EmbeddedDeveloper\" target=\"_blank\"></a>Embedded Developer</h1>\n<h2><a name=\"BasedinStockholmSweden\" target=\"_blank\"></a>Based in Stockholm Sweden</h2>\n<ul>\n <li>Full-time position</li>\n <li>Date to start: as soon as you are ready </li>\n <li>Standard Swedish benefits including pension and insurance.</li>\n <li>25 days of annual leave</li>\n <li>Annual training/health compensation to cover gym and recreational activities.</li>\n</ul>\n<h1><a name=\"AboutHumanssince1982\" target=\"_blank\"></a>About Humans since 1982</h1>\n<p>A warm welcome to Humans since 1982. We are a contemporary art and design studio working across art, design, and technology. Our best-known series ClockClock and A million Times are iconic statement pieces that are featured in the homes of some of the world's most prestigious collectors, museums, luxury brands, and leading companies. </p>\n<p>Founded in 2009 and based in Stockholm, Human since 1982’s international team of highly motivated and energetic individuals transform ideas and experimentation into tangible, high-quality products. We work directly with our clients, as well as a network of galleries, retailers, art consultants, and interior designers.</p>\n<p>Humans since 1982 is more than just a place to work. Curiosity and entrepreneurship are integral to our culture. We embrace creativity and different ideas to foster a positive, open, and equal workplace.</p>\n<p>For more information about our studio please see our websites:<br> <a href=\"http://www.humanssince1982.com\" class=\"external-link\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.humanssince1982.com</a> / <a href=\"http://www.clockclock.com\" class=\"external-link\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.clockclock.com</a> / Instagram: humanssince1982</p>\n<h1><a name=\"Aboutthisposition\" target=\"_blank\"></a>About this position</h1>\n<p>This is a real-deal embedded job. If you love all things tech. This is for you.</p>\n<p>All of our artworks are entirely made in-house in Sweden. You will sit in our Stockholm studio and manufacturing line and be a part of what goes out to the world.</p>\n<p>As a small company you will get to work with all areas of our technology stack. You work will not be just about one small section of code, you will be a part of the full solution at every delivery level. This is not a position where you get to bury your head in C all day.</p>\n<p>Everything listed here you will have your hands on and in-house. We almost never source to contractors for software and embedded.</p>\n<p>Your work areas will cover.</p>\n<ul>\n <li>Arm cortex on STM32</li>\n <li>ESPs with OTA upgrades</li>\n <li>Pi’s running Python3 and Node instances</li>\n <li>8-bit Risc on Atmega (for legacy works)</li>\n <li>CAN, USB, Wifi, BT and Ethernet networks</li>\n</ul>\n<p>On any given day you may be:</p>\n<ul>\n <li>Developing new features for our product line in C</li>\n <li>Building embedded programmer tools and debuggers for use in our production line</li>\n <li>Optimising our linux based services for longevity</li>\n <li>Building infrastructure for cloud connectivity and system performance reporting.</li>\n <li>Working with our support team for deep root cause investigations</li>\n</ul>\n<p>We do in-house prototyping and builds and have quite a lot of tools for prototyping. You can use them in your spare time for your own hobbies.</p>\n<p>We do a mix of in-house and contracted incremental PCB development work. It is a bonus if you have experience, and also great if you want to learn. The same principle applies to our mobile apps.</p>\n<p>Our PCBs are produced nearby in Sweden. You can be a part of overseeing the production runs and ensuring that our assembly lines are programming the boards correctly using automated tools.</p>\n<p>The right candidate will have:</p>\n<ul>\n <li>A strong interest in all things tech. A software engineer degree or similar is ideal</li>\n <li>Up to date with the latest trends</li>\n <li>An interest in arts and commerce</li>\n <li>An interest in hardware</li>\n <li>Social and communication skills</li>\n</ul>\n<h1><a name=\"AlittlemoreonHumans\" target=\"_blank\"></a>A little more on Humans</h1>\n<p>We are about 12 people sitting next to Globen, Stockholm. We are a fairly young, active, and diverse group of people with a wide variety of interests.</p>\n<p>We like to have people with personality in the team and to be a part of our company culture.<br> We keep very flexible working hours and are reasonably flexible with remote working.</p>\n<p>We try to sponsor something fun every few weeks: Art gallery openings, after-works, breakfasts, BBQs, etc.</p>\n<p>Like many Swedish companies, we provide an annual fitness allowance toward your yearly gym/sports membership, so that you can stay fit and healthy.</p>\n<p>Every couple of months we have an in-house cooking competition with the theme chosen by the previous winner. <br> <br> We also have seasonal activities like mini-golf, boule, go-carting, bowling, pottery classes, ski trips, studio events, and so on.</p>\n<h1><a name=\"Howtoapply\" target=\"_blank\"></a>How to apply</h1>\n<p>You can only apply for this position by filling out the form below. <br> Please attach a pdf of your CV that includes the name of our company in upside-down red text at the top of the first page.</p>\n<p>Thank you, and good luck with your application.<br> Humans since 1982 team</p>","callToAction":"Apply for Embedded Developer","introHtml":"<p>Be our primary in-house programmer.</p>","icon":10479,"iconUrl":"https://humanssince1982.atlassian.net/rest/servicedeskapi/requesttype/icon/type/SD_REQTYPE/id/10479","groups":[],"key":""},{"id":"82","name":"Apply for Hardware engineer","descriptionHtml":"<h1><a name=\"Hardwareengineer\" target=\"_blank\"></a>Hardware engineer</h1>\n<h2><a name=\"BasedinStockholmSweden\" target=\"_blank\"></a>Based in Stockholm Sweden</h2>\n<ul>\n <li>Full-time position</li>\n <li>Date to start: as soon as you are ready </li>\n <li>Standard Swedish benefits including pension and insurance.</li>\n <li>25 days of annual leave</li>\n <li>Annual training/health compensation to cover gym and recreational activities.</li>\n</ul>\n<h1><a name=\"AboutHumanssince1982\" target=\"_blank\"></a>About Humans since 1982</h1>\n<p>A warm welcome to Humans since 1982. We are a contemporary art and design studio working across art, design, and technology. Our best-known series ClockClock and A million Times are iconic statement pieces that are featured in the homes of some of the world's most prestigious collectors, museums, luxury brands, and leading companies. </p>\n<p>Founded in 2009 and based in Stockholm, Human since 1982’s international team of highly motivated and energetic individuals transform ideas and experimentation into tangible, high-quality products. We work directly with our clients, as well as a network of galleries, retailers, art consultants, and interior designers.</p>\n<p>Humans since 1982 is more than just a place to work. Curiosity and entrepreneurship are integral to our culture. We embrace creativity and different ideas to foster a positive, open, and equal workplace.</p>\n<p>For more information about our studio please see our websites:<br> <a href=\"http://www.humanssince1982.com\" class=\"external-link\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.humanssince1982.com</a> / <a href=\"http://www.clockclock.com\" class=\"external-link\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.clockclock.com</a> / Instagram: humanssince1982</p>\n<h1><a name=\"Aboutthisposition\" target=\"_blank\"></a>About this position</h1>\n<p>We are looking for someone who loves to design electronic hardware. You will be working in our production team of about 6 people. <br> All of our artworks are entirely designed and made in-house in Sweden. You will sit in our Stockholm studio and manufacturing line and be a part of what goes out to the world. <br> Your position will cover these areas.</p>\n<ul>\n <li>Maintain and improve upon our 6 custom PCB’s (Altium)</li>\n <li>Create a roadmap toward a consolidated solution for all of our clock products.</li>\n <li>Optimize the entire electronics solution for DFM</li>\n <li>Get new boards through international certification</li>\n <li>Work with our production team to secure our electronic component supply chain</li>\n <li>Work closely with our PCBA suppliers in Sweden.</li>\n <li>Guide the assembly line towards better QA (for example, component handling and environment conditions)</li>\n <li>Meet our various component suppliers. Attend global electronics conferences.</li>\n <li>Construct test and programming equipment in order to optimize the production process</li>\n <li>Assist our tech support when issues get down the electrical level</li>\n <li>Occasionally travel to our international customer sites.</li>\n <li>Optimize the hardware side of the assembly process so that assembly staff can easily install and test electronic products.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>As a small company, you will get to work with all areas of our technology stack. While hardware is always a big job, there will often be months when you don’t work on hardware at all. You will be a part of the full solution at every delivery level and a part of shaping a small company as it grows. You will be one of a few technical staff. Together you and the team will cover other areas like:</p>\n<ul>\n <li>Different parts of our software stack</li>\n <li>Internal IT and networking</li>\n <li>Server configuration</li>\n <li>The technical parts of customer installations</li>\n <li>Support and redesign of some of our legacy products.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>The right candidate will have these characteristics</p>\n<ul>\n <li>A degree in Electrical engineering or equivalent is required</li>\n <li>Several years of industry experience in hardware design</li>\n <li>A strong interest in all things tech.</li>\n <li>Up to date with the latest trends</li>\n <li>An interest in arts and commerce</li>\n <li>Social and communication skills</li>\n <li>A strong pride in one's work. A</li>\n <li>An enjoyment of responsibility.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Our products are considered by our customers to be of the highest quality and our services are considered premium. We sell something that our customers want to keep for a lifetime. <br> This places a very high level of responsibility on our hardware designs. <br> Hardware is your art form. You love it. You will be required to bring a physical PCB of your design to the first interview, as well as any accompanying documentation. We will sign any necessary NDA’s in order for you to present your work.</p>\n<h1><a name=\"AlittlemoreonHumans\" target=\"_blank\"></a>A little more on Humans</h1>\n<p>We are about 12 people sitting next to Globen, Stockholm. We are a fairly young, active, and diverse group of people with a wide variety of interests.</p>\n<p>We like to have people with personality in the team and to be a part of our company culture.<br> We keep very flexible working hours and are reasonably flexible with remote working.</p>\n<p>We try to sponsor something fun every few weeks: Art gallery openings, after-works, breakfasts, BBQs, etc.</p>\n<p>Like many Swedish companies, we provide an annual fitness allowance toward your yearly gym/sports membership, so that you can stay fit and healthy.</p>\n<p>Every couple of months we have an in-house cooking competition with the theme chosen by the previous winner. <br> <br> We also have seasonal activities like mini-golf, boule, go-carting, bowling, pottery classes, ski trips, studio events, and so on.</p>\n<h1><a name=\"Howtoapply\" target=\"_blank\"></a>How to apply</h1>\n<p>You can only apply for this position by filling out the form below. <br> Please attach a pdf of your CV that includes the name of our company in upside-down red text at the top of the first page.</p>\n<p>Thank you, and good luck with your application.<br> Humans since 1982 team</p>","callToAction":"Apply for Hardware engineer","introHtml":"<p>Be our inhouse hardware expert</p>","icon":10489,"iconUrl":"https://humanssince1982.atlassian.net/rest/servicedeskapi/requesttype/icon/type/SD_REQTYPE/id/10489","groups":[],"key":""},{"id":"32","name":"Artwork Customer Success","descriptionHtml":"<h1><a name=\"Artworkcustomersuccess\" target=\"_blank\"></a>Artwork customer success</h1>\n<h2><a name=\"BasedinStockholmSweden\" target=\"_blank\"></a>Based in Stockholm Sweden</h2>\n<ul>\n <li>Full-time position.</li>\n <li>Date to start: as soon as you are ready</li>\n <li>Standard Swedish benefits including pension and insurance.</li>\n <li>25 days of annual leave,</li>\n <li>Annual training/health compensation to cover gym and recreational activities.</li>\n</ul>\n<h1><a name=\"AboutHumanssince1982\" target=\"_blank\"></a>About Humans since 1982</h1>\n<p>A warm welcome to Humans since 1982. We are a contemporary art and design studio working across art, design, and technology. Our best-known series ClockClock and A million Times are iconic statement pieces that are featured in the homes of some of the world's most prestigious collectors, museums, luxury brands, and leading companies.</p>\n<p>Founded in 2009 and based in Stockholm, Human since 1982’s international team of highly motivated and energetic individuals transform ideas and experimentation into tangible, high-quality products. We work directly with our clients, as well as a network of galleries, retailers, art consultants, and interior designers.</p>\n<p>Humans since 1982 is more than just a place to work. Curiosity and entrepreneurship are integral to our culture. We embrace creativity and different ideas to foster a positive, open, and equal workplace.<br> For more information about our studio please see our websites:</p>\n<p><a href=\"http://www.humanssince1982.com\" class=\"external-link\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.humanssince1982.com</a> | <a href=\"http://www.clockclock.com\" class=\"external-link\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.clockclock.com</a> | Instagram: humanssince1982</p>\n<h1><a name=\"Aboutthisposition\" target=\"_blank\"></a>About this position</h1>\n<p>At Humans since 1982, we care deeply about the quality and prestige of our artworks. We cater to only the highest connoisseur of art and design, and this demands a premium level of care and attention.</p>\n<p>You will be working as one of our primary customer-facing personnel and will be a part of our team of 3 in sales and marketing. Your focus area will be leading our Clock Clock line of artworks, but this role also includes handling after-sales for all our works; including our prestigious ”A million Times” pieces. You will be the important bridge between us and our clients, and manage the luxury style of that relationship.</p>\n<p>On any given day you will be:</p>\n<ul>\n <li>Responding to both written, over-the-phone, and physical inquiries from our clients, and managing their expectations to ensure the best experience</li>\n <li>Coordinating with our clients, their staff as well as our internal team regarding installation, support, and warranties.<br> *Assisting in gathering support information for our existing clients</li>\n <li>Proactively collect real client feedback and suggest improvements to our ways of working</li>\n <li>Discussing business with our various retailers and distributors</li>\n <li>Investigating leads for new business</li>\n <li>Fulfilling, administrating, and registering sales orders in Excel</li>\n <li>Maintain and test our webshop</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Our clients represent an array of sectors from private individuals to hotels, luxury fashion brands, airports, and museums, among others. While proven to be often challenging, supporting our global portfolio of artworks is guaranteed to be an interesting and exciting chapter in your professional career.</p>\n<p>The right candidate will have:</p>\n<ul>\n <li>Great verbal and written communication skills in English</li>\n <li>Documented experience working in customer service, and preferably experience of handling questions about warranty</li>\n <li>A love for art and design</li>\n <li>A strong interest in business and luxury brands</li>\n</ul>\n<p>We think you are a great communicator with a lot of patience and understanding of our client's needs and are able to handle them with diplomacy and adaptability. You thrive in a diverse and international environment and are curious about other cultures. It’s a big plus If you are proficient in any other language beyond English, and a bonus If you know your way around Excel.</p>\n<h1><a name=\"AlittlemoreonHumans\" target=\"_blank\"></a>A little more on Humans</h1>\n<p>We are about 12 people sitting next to Globen, Stockholm. We are a fairly young, active, and diverse group of people with a wide variety of interests.</p>\n<p>We like to have people with personality in the team and to be a part of our company culture.<br> We keep very flexible working hours and are reasonably flexible with remote working.</p>\n<p>We try to sponsor something fun every few weeks: Art gallery openings, after-works, breakfasts, BBQs, etc.</p>\n<p>Like many Swedish companies, we provide an annual fitness allowance toward your yearly gym/sports membership.</p>\n<p>Every couple of months we have an in-house cooking competition with the theme chosen by the previous winner. <br> <br> We also have seasonal activities like mini-golf, boule, go-carting, bowling, pottery classes, ski trips, studio events, and so on.</p>","callToAction":"Artwork Customer Success","introHtml":"<p>Apply to become our next sales assistant</p>","icon":10509,"iconUrl":"https://humanssince1982.atlassian.net/rest/servicedeskapi/requesttype/icon/type/SD_REQTYPE/id/10509","groups":[],"key":""},{"id":"63","name":"Studio and production space intern","descriptionHtml":"","callToAction":"Studio and production space intern","introHtml":"<p>Help out in organizing our studio. Work experience for local students.</p>","icon":10503,"iconUrl":"https://humanssince1982.atlassian.net/rest/servicedeskapi/requesttype/icon/type/SD_REQTYPE/id/10503","groups":[],"key":""},{"id":"83","name":"Technical operations leader","descriptionHtml":"<h1><a name=\"Technicaloperationsleader\" target=\"_blank\"></a>Technical operations leader</h1>\n<p>Full-time<br> Stockholm Sweden. <br> humanssince1982.com</p>\n<h2><a name=\"WelcometoHumanssince1982.\" target=\"_blank\"></a>Welcome to Humans since 1982.</h2>\n<p>Hi there. I’m David Cox. I run technology at Humans since 1982. Over the last 15 years, the founders and I have grown our humble studio into a world-leading art and design brand. Today you can find our Clock clock and A million Times artworks in every corner of the world.</p>\n<p>You can read all about it on our story page later. But, in short, our artworks are crafted to meet the highest of expectations. Our clients are Airports, museums, luxury hotels, elite business magnates and prestigious art collectors. We are very well connected.</p>\n<p>Today we are a team of 12 people based in Stockholm's Slakthusområdet district, Most of our materials are sourced in Sweden and produced at the studio’s in-house manufacturing line.</p>\n<p>We’re not a large organization. We’re not a startup. We have no external investors.<br> We’re a totally organic company. Everything is built on the success of our products.</p>\n<h2><a name=\"Wherewe%26rsquo%3Bregoing.\" target=\"_blank\"></a>Where we’re going.</h2>\n<p>It took a lot of years to get the company into what it is today. It's a stable and well-functioning business. While there are a lot of places we can improve on and grow, we look at these strategies from a strong position.</p>\n<p>Our studio is maturing in the luxury industry. As business owners, we are shifting our focus from operational to strategic roles. This is a rare opportunity in the job market for some intriguing careers with us. This operations role is one of them. It is an integral part of continuing to bring our artworks to life.</p>\n<h2><a name=\"Thejob.\" target=\"_blank\"></a>The job.</h2>\n<p>We’re after a technical operations manager with some years of experience. Someone who will bring in best practices from a larger organisation. This will allow us to scale our business while maintaining the quality that we are familiar with. We want you to help us reach the next level of industrialised professionalism.</p>\n<p>You are confident around electronics. You know your way around a manufacturing line and supply chain.</p>\n<p>You’re looking for something different and exciting. To be in the executive team and feel the company from end to end.</p>\n<h2><a name=\"Thepeople.\" target=\"_blank\"></a>The people.</h2>\n<p>It's a different place to be.</p>\n<p>The nature of our business allows us to be patient and careful in our craft. We aim to make things the right way and to have fun in the process.</p>\n<p>The company language is English, but we speak 12 other languages. Everyone is based in Stockholm and is in the office often. So, you’re having lunch with pretty much everyone at least once a week. It’s a friendly place to work.</p>\n<p>You will have 5 or 6 direct reports. It’s a small team, but they are high-value. The expectation is that you nurture and grow this team with the company.</p>\n<h2><a name=\"Howtoapply.\" target=\"_blank\"></a>How to apply.</h2>\n<p>Please apply right here!<br> Write something that shows us who you are and why you want to make the change.<br> Then we can start a dialogue.</p>","callToAction":"Technical operations leader","introHtml":"<p>We're looking for a leader to keep our manufacturing lines running</p>","icon":10490,"iconUrl":"https://humanssince1982.atlassian.net/rest/servicedeskapi/requesttype/icon/type/SD_REQTYPE/id/10490","groups":[],"key":""}],"reqGroups":[{"id":4,"name":"Available"}],"orderMapping":{"4":[28,64,92,93,33]},"kbs":{"kbEnabled":true,"kbLink":{"appLinkId":"b84af3ac-11d7-3d89-9f32-cc3c55fd34c4","appLinkName":"System Confluence","appLinkUrl":"https://humanssince1982.atlassian.net/wiki","spaceKey":"REC","spaceName":"Recruitment","spaceUrl":"https://humanssince1982.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/REC","isServer":false},"labels":[],"projectKey":"REC","serviceDeskId":3,"kbLinkDomainURLs":["https://humanssince1982.atlassian.net"]},"createPermission":true,"portalAnnouncement":{"portalId":3,"canEditAnnouncement":false,"canAdministerProject":false,"portalProjectKey":"REC","userLanguageHeader":"","userLanguageMessageWiki":"","defaultLanguageHeader":"","defaultLanguageMessage":"","defaultLanguageDisplayName":"English (United States)","isUsingLanguageSupport":false,"translations":{}},"canViewCreateRequestForm":true,"isProjectSimplified":false,"mediaApiUploadInformation":{"token":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiIwYzRhZTkwZi1mYTVlLTQyYTgtYmRkYy05MTFhOTA0MThjZGUiLCJhY2Nlc3MiOnsidXJuOmZpbGVzdG9yZTp1cGxvYWQ6KiI6WyJyZWFkIiwiY3JlYXRlIiwidXBkYXRlIl0sInVybjpmaWxlc3RvcmU6Y2h1bms6KiI6WyJyZWFkIiwiY3JlYXRlIl0sInVybjpmaWxlc3RvcmU6Y29sbGVjdGlvbjp1cGxvYWQtcHJvamVjdC0xMDA1MCI6WyJyZWFkIiwiY3JlYXRlIiwidXBkYXRlIl19LCJleHAiOjE3NDExMzgzOTMsIm5iZiI6MTc0MTEzNzE5M30._nKo6A5mPVbVCglUIZ6yl4FmKcVKMWDmtT-8R_3CQVs","targetCollection":"upload-project-10050","endpointUrl":"https://api.media.atlassian.com","clientId":"0c4ae90f-fa5e-42a8-bddc-911a90418cde","tokenDurationInMins":20}},"reqCreate":{"id":33,"projectId":10050,"form":{"name":"Apply for Technical Support Engineer","descriptionHtml":"<h1><a name=\"Technicalsupportengineer\"></a>Technical support engineer</h1>\n<h2><a name=\"BasedinStockholmSweden\"></a>Based in Stockholm Sweden </h2>\n<ul>\n\t<li>Full-time position</li>\n\t<li>Date to start: as soon as you are ready </li>\n\t<li>Standard Swedish benefits including pension and insurance.</li>\n\t<li>30 days of annual leave</li>\n\t<li>Annual training/health compensation to cover gym and recreational activities.</li>\n</ul>\n\n\n<h1><a name=\"AboutHumanssince1982\"></a>About Humans since 1982</h1>\n\n<p>A warm welcome to Humans since 1982. We are a contemporary art and design studio working across art, design, and technology. Our best-known series ClockClock and A million Times are iconic statement pieces that are featured in the homes of some of the world's most prestigious collectors, museums, luxury brands, and leading companies. </p>\n\n\n<p>Founded in 2009 and based in Stockholm, Human since 1982’s international team of highly motivated and energetic individuals transform ideas and experimentation into tangible, high-quality products. We work directly with our clients, as well as a network of galleries, retailers, art consultants, and interior designers.</p>\n\n\n<p>Humans since 1982 is more than just a place to work. Curiosity and entrepreneurship are integral to our culture. We embrace creativity and different ideas to foster a positive, open, and equal workplace.</p>\n\n\n<p>For more information about our studio please see our websites:<br/>\n<a href=\"http://www.humanssince1982.com\" class=\"external-link\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">http://www.humanssince1982.com</a> / Instagram: humanssince1982</p>\n\n\n<h1><a name=\"Aboutthisposition\"></a>About this position</h1>\n<p>Tech support at Humans since 1982 is an adventure, to say the least. <br/>\nAll of our artworks are entirely made in-house in Sweden. You will sit in our studio and manufacturing line and be a part of what goes out to the world. <br/>\nWe have, today seen the production of over 1000 artworks. Mostly in the Clock Clock and A million Times ranges. By our calculations, right now, there are about 30,000 pairs of motors turning in our artworks, distributed to cities and towns in almost every country. <br/>\nKeeping all of them running is a mind-boggling task. We are looking for someone who really knows how to think to solve problems, and who loves to work with people to find solutions. <br/>\nOur role in technical support connects directly with our customers and remote support companies and occasionally travels internationally to on-site cases. This position acts as the second line of technical support, working closely with external support handlers, interviewing and evaluating them to ensure they fit with our studio’s standards. You will investigate and solve challenging support cases daily. Much of this role involves the mindset that you are supporting some very large investments in art.</p>\n\n\n<p>The right candidate will have:</p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>A very good understanding of electronics: An electrical engineering degree is ideal</li>\n\t<li>Programming understanding (Python, Linux, and Java) as an example; you could be required to program animations on the artworks.</li>\n\t<li>Broad knowledge and passion for technology</li>\n\t<li>Perfect English</li>\n\t<li>An interest in arts and commerce. Patient and careful with the artworks.</li>\n\t<li>Basic networking skills</li>\n\t<li>Readily available to travel and an interest in different cultures</li>\n\t<li>IT support experience and ability to explain complex systems to someone with less technical knowledge</li>\n\t<li>Comfort working from the office most of the time, given the hands-on nature of testing, troubleshooting, and preparation of spare parts</li>\n</ul>\n\n\n\n<p>On any given day, you may be:</p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Managing around three challenging support cases in parallel</li>\n\t<li>Coordinating with different departments to manage customer needs</li>\n\t<li>Studying and building on our knowledge base to understand the issue</li>\n\t<li>Troubleshooting support cases and verifying possible solutions in the studio to prove your theories</li>\n\t<li>Developing fixes and improvements to our software</li>\n\t<li>Monitor the weekly support cases and analyze trends in issue types</li>\n\t<li>Assisting developers with troubleshooting hardware issues, such as broken motors, and understanding the root cause</li>\n\t<li>Configuring, installing, and testing software on A million Times artworks</li>\n\t<li>Documenting your work processes, especially if they differ from established routines</li>\n\t<li>Adopting a flexible working schedule to help a support partner in another time zone</li>\n</ul>\n\n\n\n<p>Support Strategy & Optimization:</p>\n\n<p>Analyze historical support cases to identify trends, recurring issues, and areas for improvement. Leverage these insights to recommend process enhancements, automation opportunities, and knowledge base improvements to optimize future support efficiency and customer experience. Regularly report key pain points to the development team and recommend product improvements to minimize future issues. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to implement data-driven solutions that improve resolution times and service quality. As experience is gained, you will take responsibility for developing and implementing strategies to enhance support efficiency and reduce costs</p>\n\n\n<p>On average, this role will spend 1–2 weeks per year in a foreign country, working on an installation or on support. We try our best to use local resources where possible. However, you should be excited by the idea of travelling to visit the hotels, offices, and homes of our most prestigious customers.</p>\n\n<p>We are looking for someone with passion and responsibility. The decisions you make will impact the studio many years into the future. As such, we are looking for a long-term commitment to this role and the high quality of our work.</p>\n\n<p>We offer you an opportunity to be a big part of our small family. You will certainly not be a small cog in a big machine. With us, you will see every part of what makes the studio exist, from design to manufacturing to marketing, shows, and events. It is an exciting place to work, and we look forward to meeting you.</p>\n\n\n<h1><a name=\"AlittlemoreonHumans\"></a>A little more on Humans</h1>\n\n<p>We are a team of about 13 people based near Globen, Stockholm. Our group is dynamic, active, and diverse, with a wide range of interests. We value personality and enjoy building a strong, inclusive company culture.<br/>\nWe offer flexible working hours and reasonable remote work options. Every few weeks, we organize something fun—whether it’s art gallery visits, after-works, lunches, or BBQs. Like many Swedish companies, we provide an annual fitness allowance to support your well-being.<br/>\nWe also enjoy friendly competitions, like our in-house cooking challenge where the previous winner picks the theme. Other activities have included mini-golf, boule, go-karting, bowling, pottery classes, ski trips, and studio events. We’re always open to new ideas that bring the team together!</p>\n\n\n<h1><a name=\"Howtoapply\"></a>How to apply</h1>\n<p>You can only apply for this position by filling out the form below. <br/>\nPlease attach a pdf of your CV that includes the name of our company in upside-down red text at the top of the first page. </p>\n\n\n<p>Thank you, and good luck with your application.<br/>\nHumans since 1982 team</p>","callToAction":"Apply for Technical Support Engineer","intro":"<p>Solve technical issues for our customers</p>","instructions":"<h1><a name=\"Technicalsupportengineer\"></a>Technical support engineer</h1>\n<h2><a name=\"BasedinStockholmSweden\"></a>Based in Stockholm Sweden </h2>\n<ul>\n\t<li>Full-time position</li>\n\t<li>Date to start: as soon as you are ready </li>\n\t<li>Standard Swedish benefits including pension and insurance.</li>\n\t<li>30 days of annual leave</li>\n\t<li>Annual training/health compensation to cover gym and recreational activities.</li>\n</ul>\n\n\n<h1><a name=\"AboutHumanssince1982\"></a>About Humans since 1982</h1>\n\n<p>A warm welcome to Humans since 1982. We are a contemporary art and design studio working across art, design, and technology. Our best-known series ClockClock and A million Times are iconic statement pieces that are featured in the homes of some of the world's most prestigious collectors, museums, luxury brands, and leading companies. </p>\n\n\n<p>Founded in 2009 and based in Stockholm, Human since 1982’s international team of highly motivated and energetic individuals transform ideas and experimentation into tangible, high-quality products. We work directly with our clients, as well as a network of galleries, retailers, art consultants, and interior designers.</p>\n\n\n<p>Humans since 1982 is more than just a place to work. Curiosity and entrepreneurship are integral to our culture. We embrace creativity and different ideas to foster a positive, open, and equal workplace.</p>\n\n\n<p>For more information about our studio please see our websites:<br/>\n<a href=\"http://www.humanssince1982.com\" class=\"external-link\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">http://www.humanssince1982.com</a> / Instagram: humanssince1982</p>\n\n\n<h1><a name=\"Aboutthisposition\"></a>About this position</h1>\n<p>Tech support at Humans since 1982 is an adventure, to say the least. <br/>\nAll of our artworks are entirely made in-house in Sweden. You will sit in our studio and manufacturing line and be a part of what goes out to the world. <br/>\nWe have, today seen the production of over 1000 artworks. Mostly in the Clock Clock and A million Times ranges. By our calculations, right now, there are about 30,000 pairs of motors turning in our artworks, distributed to cities and towns in almost every country. <br/>\nKeeping all of them running is a mind-boggling task. We are looking for someone who really knows how to think to solve problems, and who loves to work with people to find solutions. <br/>\nOur role in technical support connects directly with our customers and remote support companies and occasionally travels internationally to on-site cases. This position acts as the second line of technical support, working closely with external support handlers, interviewing and evaluating them to ensure they fit with our studio’s standards. You will investigate and solve challenging support cases daily. Much of this role involves the mindset that you are supporting some very large investments in art.</p>\n\n\n<p>The right candidate will have:</p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>A very good understanding of electronics: An electrical engineering degree is ideal</li>\n\t<li>Programming understanding (Python, Linux, and Java) as an example; you could be required to program animations on the artworks.</li>\n\t<li>Broad knowledge and passion for technology</li>\n\t<li>Perfect English</li>\n\t<li>An interest in arts and commerce. Patient and careful with the artworks.</li>\n\t<li>Basic networking skills</li>\n\t<li>Readily available to travel and an interest in different cultures</li>\n\t<li>IT support experience and ability to explain complex systems to someone with less technical knowledge</li>\n\t<li>Comfort working from the office most of the time, given the hands-on nature of testing, troubleshooting, and preparation of spare parts</li>\n</ul>\n\n\n\n<p>On any given day, you may be:</p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Managing around three challenging support cases in parallel</li>\n\t<li>Coordinating with different departments to manage customer needs</li>\n\t<li>Studying and building on our knowledge base to understand the issue</li>\n\t<li>Troubleshooting support cases and verifying possible solutions in the studio to prove your theories</li>\n\t<li>Developing fixes and improvements to our software</li>\n\t<li>Monitor the weekly support cases and analyze trends in issue types</li>\n\t<li>Assisting developers with troubleshooting hardware issues, such as broken motors, and understanding the root cause</li>\n\t<li>Configuring, installing, and testing software on A million Times artworks</li>\n\t<li>Documenting your work processes, especially if they differ from established routines</li>\n\t<li>Adopting a flexible working schedule to help a support partner in another time zone</li>\n</ul>\n\n\n\n<p>Support Strategy & Optimization:</p>\n\n<p>Analyze historical support cases to identify trends, recurring issues, and areas for improvement. Leverage these insights to recommend process enhancements, automation opportunities, and knowledge base improvements to optimize future support efficiency and customer experience. Regularly report key pain points to the development team and recommend product improvements to minimize future issues. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to implement data-driven solutions that improve resolution times and service quality. As experience is gained, you will take responsibility for developing and implementing strategies to enhance support efficiency and reduce costs</p>\n\n\n<p>On average, this role will spend 1–2 weeks per year in a foreign country, working on an installation or on support. We try our best to use local resources where possible. However, you should be excited by the idea of travelling to visit the hotels, offices, and homes of our most prestigious customers.</p>\n\n<p>We are looking for someone with passion and responsibility. The decisions you make will impact the studio many years into the future. As such, we are looking for a long-term commitment to this role and the high quality of our work.</p>\n\n<p>We offer you an opportunity to be a big part of our small family. You will certainly not be a small cog in a big machine. With us, you will see every part of what makes the studio exist, from design to manufacturing to marketing, shows, and events. It is an exciting place to work, and we look forward to meeting you.</p>\n\n\n<h1><a name=\"AlittlemoreonHumans\"></a>A little more on Humans</h1>\n\n<p>We are a team of about 13 people based near Globen, Stockholm. Our group is dynamic, active, and diverse, with a wide range of interests. We value personality and enjoy building a strong, inclusive company culture.<br/>\nWe offer flexible working hours and reasonable remote work options. Every few weeks, we organize something fun—whether it’s art gallery visits, after-works, lunches, or BBQs. Like many Swedish companies, we provide an annual fitness allowance to support your well-being.<br/>\nWe also enjoy friendly competitions, like our in-house cooking challenge where the previous winner picks the theme. Other activities have included mini-golf, boule, go-karting, bowling, pottery classes, ski trips, and studio events. We’re always open to new ideas that bring the team together!</p>\n\n\n<h1><a name=\"Howtoapply\"></a>How to apply</h1>\n<p>You can only apply for this position by filling out the form below. <br/>\nPlease attach a pdf of your CV that includes the name of our company in upside-down red text at the top of the first page. </p>\n\n\n<p>Thank you, and good luck with your application.<br/>\nHumans since 1982 team</p>","icon":10469,"iconUrl":"https://humanssince1982.atlassian.net/rest/servicedeskapi/requesttype/icon/type/SD_REQTYPE/id/10469","key":""},"fields":[{"fieldType":"text","fieldId":"email","fieldConfigId":"","label":"Email confirmation to","description":"","descriptionHtml":"","required":true,"displayed":true,"presetValues":[]},{"fieldType":"text","jiraFieldType":"summary","fieldId":"summary","fieldConfigId":"","label":"Your 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